2024年6月27日 星期四

看好景氣復甦更明顯 企業樂觀度創13季新高、55%擬加薪

【常春藤生活英語電子報】程度為英檢初級∼中級,內容涵蓋包羅萬象且活潑有趣,幫助你輕鬆快樂地學習英語。 【東寫西讀電子報】摘錄《好讀周報》精彩話題,以推廣閱讀與寫作為核心內容,讓您掌握每周最新內容!
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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/06/28 第 1065期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份
看好景氣復甦更明顯 企業樂觀度創13季新高、55%擬加薪
景氣持續復甦,根據yes123求職網25日公布的最新調查顯示,與今年第2季相比,展望第3季景氣,資方「淨樂觀比例」為+26%,企業對景氣的樂觀度除較上一季呈現上揚態勢,並創下13季以來新高,且對比去年同期為+20.1%,代表今年企業保持「偏正向」的看法更為明確。 此外,該份調查還發現,在加薪、徵才部分,企業下半年的意願 ...MORE
PwC 發布「2024希望與恐懼調查報告」(PwC's Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey 2024),調查指出,在工作量增加和變革步伐加快的情況下,員工擁抱人工智慧(AI),並優先考慮提升技能,為長期職涯發展鋪路。 主要發現: □45%全球與33%台灣員工認為工作量在過去一年大幅增加。而在2023年,有22%全球與17%台灣員工表示工作量經常難以負荷。 □28%全球員工表示可能在一年內換工作,較 ...MORE
「職涯緩衝」風潮吹入台灣 逾八成上班族積極準備轉職
專業招募機構 Robert Walters 華德士台灣發布最新調查顯示,在2024的上半年,僅有18.45% 的職場人士目前沒有轉職規劃,超過八成的受試者正在積極尋求轉職的機會或積極進行相關準備,深究其轉職動機主要為工作滿意度低 (35.06%)、經濟環境動盪(19.93%)、工作缺乏保障(15.87%),顯示超過三成台灣職場人士的信心不足。 Robert Walters 華德士台灣指出,隨著經濟不確定性與全球裁員浪潮的影響 ...MORE
台積電送福利 員工7月1日起全球員工送等同8000元福利點數
台積電全球送福利 員工7月1日起全球員工送等同8000元福利點數。圖/聯合報系資料照片
晶圓代工龍頭台積電(2330)為提升員工福利及員工體驗,將自7月1日起擴大員工福利新增推出全球彈性福利計畫,內容含括醫療與保險、家庭照顧、健康生活、個人發展與支持公益活動等四大項目。本計畫台積公司全球正職員工皆適用。在台灣,我們今年提供彈性福利點數8,000點(1點等同於新台幣1元)給每位員工申請使用,員工可依據個人需求,選擇最適合自己的福利項目。 台積電表示,所有同仁除 ...MORE
產險業搶才留才 新安產險推2天有薪幸福假
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部立北醫留醫護撇步 顧好吃飯下班休假好幸福
當其他醫療院所鬧護理人力荒、關床潮等,衛生福利部台北醫院今天召開分享留住醫護作法的記者會。院長鄭舜平說,留住醫護的撇步就是讓醫護安心吃飯、準時下班、快樂休假。 台北醫院今天上午辦理「部北護理好幸福」記者會,分享台北醫院透過多元策略,營造幸福友善護理職場,醫福會副執行長楊南屏到場為所有在醫療護理人員表達支持與鼓勵。 鄭舜平表示,有別於其他醫療院所鬧護理人力荒、關 ...MORE
麥當勞育才 推動學習型組織
麥當勞致力推動學習型組織,在人才培育方面一直是業界標竿。少子化浪潮下,隨著年輕、銀髮族群不同世代加入職場及數位化影響,麥當勞不僅在跨世代職場經營成果頗豐,近年更與線上學習平台Hahow for Business合作,為員工提供更多元、更深度的學習機會,提升其職場技能、工作效率、個人發展與身心平衡,讓員工滿意度攀升至九成以上。 麥當勞人力資本事 ...MORE
員工常「報復性請假」主管心累求助 網反揪1問題:不解決要你幹嘛
勞基法保障勞工休假權益,但請假頻率太高也會導致部門人手不足。一名主任發文表示,自己管理的15名下屬經常請假,導致人力吃緊,讓乖乖上班的同事很累,詢問有沒有辦法改善這種風氣。然而網友看到員工請假的其中一個因素紛紛搖頭,表示解決這個問題公司會正常一點。 一名網友在Dcard發文表示自己是公司主任,管理 ...MORE
僱用安定措施再延長 5行業放無薪假可領薪資補貼
協助放無薪假產業勞工,勞動部今天宣布僱用安定措施延長辦理,5行業包含橡膠製品製造業、電子零組件製造業等放無薪假,都可申請薪資補貼,每月最高可領新台幣9200元。 勞動部今天發布新聞稿宣布,僱用安定措施將延長辦理至12月31日止,只要是指定行業實施減班休息(無薪假),就可申領薪資補貼。 勞動部勞動力發展署就業服務組組長吳淑瑛今天告訴中央社記者,勞動部今年初啟動僱用安定措施 ...MORE
最低工資諮詢會今召開 研究報告3結論:調基本工資 對物價沒影響
「最低工資法」今年元月上路,預計於第3季召開最低工資審議會議,參照客觀經濟數據擬訂明年的最低工資數額。勞動部也延續過去基本工資工作小組精神及作法,在今天召開最低工資諮詢會,由審議委員就相關社會經濟數據交換意見,而首份最低工資研究小組報告也在今天討論,報告結論指出,基本工資調升對物價上漲、失業率沒顯著影響,但與平均經常性薪資的提高有正相關。 勞動部條平司司長黃維 ...MORE
世界首條地下鐵路(捷運)是1863年在英國倫敦開通的,改變了世界各國都會的交通系統。 2014年2月5日倫敦地鐵工人大罷工48小時,整個倫敦城270個地鐵站關閉了171個,造成數百萬上班族通勤的困擾。倫敦上班族發揮「八仙過海各顯神通」的精神,有的改搭公車,有的改搭河運,有的騎腳踏或使用滑板,有的走路,也有人跑步上班。總而言之,就是不被地鐵大罷工 ...MORE
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【常春藤生活英語電子報】程度為英檢初級∼中級,內容涵蓋包羅萬象且活潑有趣,幫助你輕鬆快樂地學習英語。 【東寫西讀電子報】摘錄《好讀周報》精彩話題,以推廣閱讀與寫作為核心內容,讓您掌握每周最新內容!
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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/06/28  第548期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
編輯小語 關於本週電影
好片推薦 《噤界:入侵日》在災難中找到新視角
270度環繞的Screen X來囉!
本週除了介紹搶先全球上映的《噤界:入侵日》之外,也介紹搭配推出的新技術 Screen X 270度環場效果,在台灣也能體驗囉。

An Eye-Opening Opera Experience

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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/06/27 第365期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份Taipei
An Eye-Opening Opera Experience
An Eye-Opening Opera Experience
TAIPEI Quarterly

TaipeiEYE: Enter a World of High-Pitch Singing and Acrobatic Dance

Text Han Cheung
Photos TaiepiEYE, Vision

From roadside glove puppetry during temple festivals to indigenous dances at cultural fairs and Chinese orchestral recitals at the National Theater & Concert Hall, opportunities to enjoy Taiwan's diverse traditional performing arts can be found around every corner in Taipei. A longstanding local  favorite is traditional opera, and both the Taiwanese gezaixi (Taiwanese opera) and Peking varieties have flourished on the island for more than a century.

Make sure you arrive early for an opera performance at TaipeiEYE, as the activities start an hour before the actual curtain time of 8pm. Dubbed Taiwan's first "tourist theater" showcasing the island's myriad traditional arts when it opened in 2002, the venue provides visitors with an up-close look at performers applying their makeup and hairpieces, as well as the chance to try on colorful costumes and accessories for photo ops. Live music, artifact displays, and craft activities are also available.

After a four-year pandemic hiatus, TaipeiEYE finally reopened in February 2024 with three action-packed, visually dazzling Peking opera productions in a row. The 60min shows run every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, with subtitles in Chinese, English, Korean, and Japanese shown simultaneously beside the stage. Staff who speak the foreign languages are available on site.

Located in the imposing Taiwan Cement Building, TaipeiEYE was launched by the prominent Koo family, whose passion for Peking opera dates back to 1915 when Koo Hsien-jung inaugurated the Taiwan Novel Hall in the city's historic Dadaocheng area. Unfortunately, the theater was destroyed in a US airstrike during World War II.

More than four decades later, the late Koo Chen-fu resumed his father's mission. Through the C.F. Koo Foundation, he revived the Novel Hall in 1997 and founded the Taipei Li-yuan Peking Opera Theatre. The troupe's members also perform at TaipeiEYE, which aims to promote not just opera but also other traditional Chinese and Taiwanese art forms to foreign visitors.

The lobby outside the main stage at TaipeiEYE is teeming with activity on a Friday night. At the activity booth, adults are making lino prints of auspicious images while children are coloring intricate Peking opera makeup onto a blank face on paper. Further in, visitors are trying on different opera costumes – including various beards and weapons – while a musician plucks soothing notes on a guzheng (Chinese zither). Two performers are applying makeup to their own faces, while a third offers the service to audience members.

Peking opera first became popular in Taiwan around the turn of the 20th century during the 50-year period of Japanese rule, and locals such as Koo Hsien-jung would regularly invite troupes from China to perform. Taiwanese gezaixi, on the other hand, developed locally from the opera styles brought by Han Chinese settlers from China's southern Fujian Province, emerging in the late 1800s as a distinct art form.

Both styles have seen their fortunes rise and fall due to changes in the political and cultural climate, and although local interest in traditional opera has waned in the past few decades, a number of troupes continue to keep the craft alive and relevant. While TaipeiEYE focuses on opera as its main program, it will periodically showcase other traditional arts such as indigenous dance, lion dance, puppetry, and acrobatics.

Tonight's show is Legend of the White Snake, based on a Tang Dynasty folktale about a thousand-year-old snake who assumes the form of a beautiful woman and falls in love with a handsome young scholar. A small crowd gathers around the main actress as she slowly transforms herself into character, first painting her face and then painstakingly putting on the hair pieces and headgear with the help of an assistant.

The first half of Legend of the White Snake focuses on storytelling and dialogue in the artform's customary high-pitched voicings. There are minimal props, as the tension is driven by miming and dance-acting as well as the dramatic soundtrack provided by the accompanying orchestra. Things shift into high gear as the final battle ensues, skilled performers taking the stage by storm in a vibrant, eye-catching whirlwind of choreographed combat and acrobatics. The audience is moved to cheering and applauding with every impressive move.

TaipeiEYE's brand reopening in February highlighted the Peking opera classic Monkey King, featuring the mischievous titular character who wreaks havoc upon the heavens. It then presented Monkey King Battles the Cave Rats, where the reformed trickster protects Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang from evil spirits on their journey to retrieve scriptures from India.

In May the program switched to Taiwanese opera with Chen San and Wu Niang, a love story set in southern China. Presented by the Shintrun Taiwanese Opera Troupe, this production was comparatively dialogue-heavy, with performers relying more on their acting and singing skills than acrobatic prowess. In June, Legend of the White Snake is back on stage, along with another Peking opera featuring the Monkey King titled The Leopard.

After each show, audience members can pose for photos and chat with the performers in the lobby, and many linger long after the finale.

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