2022年4月6日 星期三

The Hero Behind the Scenes: Art Director Syu Ying-guang

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2022/03/28 第336期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 The Hero Behind the Scenes: Art Director Syu Ying-guang
The Hero Behind the Scenes: Art Director Syu Ying-guang
◎Written by Li Guei-sian
◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Huang Jing-wen

The 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung invited Mr. Syu Ying-guang, a veteran art director and Golden Bell award-winner, to create a work of art at Weiwuying Metropolitan Park. His luminal movie scene-like work uses light and shadow to tell stories, drawing the audience into a dazzling fantasy.

With more than 30 years devoted to the film and television fields, Mr. Syu's set-dressing techniques have won many plaudits. Among the projects he has worked on are A Touch of Green and Sequalu: Formosa 1867. In each, he has made actors' performances more convincing and vivid, while giving audiences an immersive experience.
Sequalu: Formosa 1867 has been much discussed since its debut. Mr. Syu and the crew spent a year and a half conducting artistic and textual research on the primitive settlements of Longkiauw during the Cing Dynasty.
They built nearly a hundred houses to recreate the appearance of that era's indigenous communities. Sequalu: Formosa 1867 director Mr. Tsao Jui-yuan has said: "The costumes, props, and scenes of a play must grasp the atmosphere of the times, otherwise it makes the scene look fake."

Mr. Syu explains that everything that appears on the screen, whether it is food or clothing, falls within the responsibilities of the art director. "Art isn't only about color matching and coordination. It needs to be natural and realistic. In addition, it must bring imagination to the viewers while at the same time keeping their focus on the plot," he adds.  

Mr. Syu's illuminated lantern work for the 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival is titled "Kaohsiung Imagery." When doing his military service in Kaohsiung, he was especially impressed by the city's maritime scenery. As the art designer of the TV series A Touch of Green, he worked within a military dependents' village in Kaohsiung's Gangshan District and nearby Japanese-style houses. He also reconstructed the appearance of a military dependents' village at Ciaotou Sugar Refinery in Kaohsiung. He has integrated these Kaohsiung images into his contribution to the Lantern Festival.  

Those viewing "Kaohsiung Imagery" will see, in the space of two photo studios, familiar Kaohsiung sights such as fishing boats, parks, and oceans. Through the projection of light and shadow, the glistening waves in the harbor sparkle, radiating romance and fantasy. Visitors can also take pictures with the photo frame at the scene to create a sense of nostalgia.  

Mr. Syu says that: "The glow of light at night will give you a feeling of happiness. I hope that through this Lantern Festival, everyone will feel the warmth of Kaohsiung and a sense of belonging. We're bringing the public an immersive light and shadow experience at Weiwuying Lantern Zone!"

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