2022年11月3日 星期四

國1滑坡 國3塞爆 基隆汐止通勤族逃難

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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2022/11/04 第5487期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份 udn.com聯合新聞網
大台北要聞 國1滑坡 國3塞爆 基隆汐止通勤族逃難
國一邊坡連兩崩「基北面臨10天交通黑暗期 」土木技師:應徹底體檢
【即時短評】一個匝道走山基隆如孤島 交通改善不能只寄望10年後捷運
台北市焦點 北市府4種公共服務申請只限「台北通」?議員批:擾民
新北市焦點 設體健休憩、兒童遊戲區… 新店永平公園明啟用 全齡適用
國1滑坡 國3塞爆 基隆汐止通勤族逃難
國道一號南向汐止匝道因邊坡連兩日崩滑,致汐止交流道出口集散道、五堵南下入口及五堵至汐止主線皆緊急封閉,因用路人須改道,昨上班日不僅造成國一大塞車,連帶國三也車多速慢,基隆通勤族感嘆「第一次到台北這麼難」,「基隆到台北塞了兩個多小時」。交通部長王國材說,希望今早六點先搶通南下主線內側車道。 儘管今天先搶通一個車道,但恐仍難紓解 ......
國一邊坡連兩崩「基北面臨10天交通黑暗期 」土木技師:應徹底體檢
國一號南下約十公里處邊坡連兩日土石坍滑。台北市土木技師公會理事拱祥生認為,該邊坡是順向坡,二次坍方無可避免,但現場人員在搶通時程壓力下,未注意到邊坡土石光滑面範圍大,建議應扛住通車壓力,先進行徹底體檢。 由於基北國道恐將面臨十天的交通黑暗期,消基會交通委員會召集人李克聰建議,首要任務是減少車流量,除台鐵適時加開班次,也要注意 ......
【即時短評】一個匝道走山基隆如孤島 交通改善不能只寄望10年後捷運
國1南下汐止段一個匝道邊坡走山,連崩兩次,讓五堵到汐止主線也封閉,今天上班日從國3、台62到基隆各區道路大塞車,是基隆通勤族「最黑暗的一天」,基隆有如孤島,凸顯相關單位應變不足,交通改善也不能僅寄望10年後捷運。 汐止以前飽受淹水之苦,房價低迷,後來受到員山子分洪改善淹水後,房價大漲,加上捷運汐東線要結合基隆捷運規畫,一片榮景。豈料,近來因大雨先是伯爵山莊土石流, ......
台北市政府力推「台北通」,卻造成許多市府公共服務取消原有申請管道,只能用「台北通」申請,遭到民眾投訴,議會也質疑市府強迫推銷,要求改善。市議員吳沛憶指出,她發現至今仍有4項服務未改善完成,只能用「台北通」申請,要求市府盡速完成多元申請管道,不要擾民。北市資訊局表示,「社宅雲」已改善完成,剩下的3項服務年底前都可以改善完成。 吳沛憶說,市議會審查110年審查預算,針 ......
時代力量立委邱顯智與台北市議員候選人林柏勛昨天指出,有社宅住戶被要求出席台北市政府的活動與記者會,否則將影響未來的續住資格,簡直比外面的惡房東還要可惡。市府都發局說,非屬檢核項目,「出席活動與否,不影響居住權益」。 林柏勛說,他最近接獲社宅住戶的陳情,入住社宅「青創戶」竟然被要求配合出席各種活動,要連續住得看台北市政府的臉色。 ......
設體健休憩、兒童遊戲區… 新店永平公園明啟用 全齡適用
新北市新店區永平街一處三角地帶雜草叢生,長期荒廢。工務局以童話故事為主題開闢「永平公園」,11月5日正式啟用,公園內有休憩設施與綠帶美化,讓所有年齡層的市民都可以在公園找到屬於適合自己的角落。 永平公園面積約1300平方公尺,工程總經費1260萬元,考量當地居民休憩需求,特別設置滑梯、攀岩遊戲區、1組鳥巢鞦韆及蹺蹺板、搖搖椅、滑步機、健康 ......
獵風者奔太空 台灣自製實力第二發

免飛巴黎直接買!Maison Kitsune小狐狸專賣店年底開幕
融合巴黎、東京兩個時髦城市的時尚品牌Maison Kitsune,以俏皮的小狐狸形象深植人心,近日則由選品店初衣食午Onefiteen獨家代理,要讓秋冬不再沉悶,簡單的穿搭也能展現獨特與個性。
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Labour Party Aims to Seize Moment as Britain’s Financial Woes Mount 經濟危機給英在野黨帶來意外良機

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新聞  健康  u值媒  udn部落格  
2022/11/04 第407期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Labour Party Aims to Seize Moment as Britain's Financial Woes Mount 經濟危機給英在野黨帶來意外良機
While You're Up in the Air, Dispatchers May Be Home 美航班簽派員居家上班引飛安疑慮
Labour Party Aims to Seize Moment as Britain's Financial Woes Mount 經濟危機給英在野黨帶來意外良機
文/Stephen Castle


Accusing Britain's new prime minister, Liz Truss, of losing control of Britain's economy, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Keir Starmer, on Tuesday staked his claim as the guardian of sound fiscal policy and centrist politics, in a speech aimed at capitalizing on the country's gathering financial crisis.


Speaking at his party's annual conference in Liverpool, Starmer derided the government over its recent announcement of tax cuts that largely favor the wealthy, which have caused a plunge in the value of the pound and a spike in borrowing costs.


"The government has lost control of the British economy — and for what? They've crashed the pound — and for what?" Starmer asked. "Not for working people: for tax cuts for the richest 1% in our society."


In his 50-minute address, Starmer promised that Labour would tackle a crisis over the rising cost of living, create a new state-owned clean energy company and expand homeownership. With his party now riding high in the opinion polls — the latest gives Labour a 17-point lead — the country's new economic woes present an unexpected opportunity for the Labour Party.


On Friday the chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, announced the government would cut taxes, including a surprise reduction for the highest earners. The new policies alarmed the financial markets because of the increased borrowing they entail, sending the pound spiraling almost to the level of the dollar.


"Even if the pound recovers and this crisis goes away, I don't think people are going to forget this," said Steven Fielding, a professor of political history at the University of Nottingham. "It has seriously dented if not destroyed the Conservatives' advantage over Labour on the economy, and for Labour that's the golden ticket."


Given the economic turmoil, any hope Truss had of a political honeymoon has evaporated, with the opinion polls suggesting that Starmer's more stolid and pragmatic brand of politics could be enough to propel him to power.


"When Boris Johnson stood down there was a moment you thought whoever comes next surely is going to be more competent, more focused and will be a harder target for Labour," Fielding said, "but Keir Starmer must be pinching himself in terms of how the government has gone about what they have done."



While You're Up in the Air, Dispatchers May Be Home 美航班簽派員居家上班引飛安疑慮
文/Niraj Chokshi


Two years ago, the Federal Aviation Administration allowed a handful of airlines to let some aircraft dispatchers work remotely to keep travel running smoothly as coronavirus cases ran rampant. Two carriers, Republic Airways and SkyWest Airlines, took the agency up on the offer. But critics say it is long past time to end that practice, arguing that it exposes dispatchers to disruptions and distractions, shields them from oversight and raises concerns about flight safety.


Dispatchers typically work from secure facilities known as airline operations centers. There, they play a crucial role, sharing operational authority over flights with pilots. Dispatchers put together comprehensive flight plans, charting routes, accounting for weather and turbulence, and ensuring that a given plane is ready and safe to fly. If an emergency arises or weather patterns change, they work with pilots to adjust course or address any problems.


Since first allowing dispatchers at some airlines to work remotely in the summer of 2020, the FAA has expanded the policy, permitting as many as 60% of the dispatchers at Republic to do so. SkyWest allows remote work when local coronavirus cases are high or when the airline deems it necessary, the FAA said. United Airlines was also given the option but hasn't used it.


SkyWest did not say how many dispatchers it employed; Republic said it employs more than 80. The Transport Workers Union, which has fought the FAA on the remote working practice since the beginning, estimated that about eight Republic dispatchers work from home on a typical day, managing about 150 flights. (The SkyWest dispatchers are not unionized.)


The union and other critics say that while the number of dispatchers working remotely is limited, the practice sets a dangerous precedent. The Airline Dispatchers Federation, a national advocacy group composed of working dispatchers, and many experts say the job should be done only from the secure confines of an operations center.


Republic and SkyWest defended the practice, saying that safety remains a top priority and that they have worked closely with the FAA to ensure that dispatchers who work remotely are held to high standards.


Both airlines fly typically short routes for American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United. SkyWest also flies for Alaska Airlines. Together, they carried nearly 53 million passengers within the United States last year, according to federal data.



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