老外說:"That's a No-Brainer.”不是在駡你沒腦!
"Option B is the best choice—it’s a no-brainer!"
什麼是No brainer,沒腦子,這不是在駡人嗎?
1. That’s a no-brainer!
"No-brainer" 很容易讓人聯想是駡人「沒腦子」,實際上卻正面的口語表達,指「顯而易見,想都不用想」。常用於日常對話或職場交流,通常帶有輕鬆或幽默的語氣。
• Choosing the bigger discount is a no-brainer. 選擇折扣更大的,這還用說嗎?
• Taking that job offer is a no-brainer. It’s everything you wanted. 接受那份工作根本不用猶豫,那就是你一直想要的。
2. Pick someone’s brain
"Pick someone’s brain"常用來表示「向人請教知識、經驗」,特別是在他們專業領域中。是一個非常禮貌說法,適用於職場和朋友間的對話。例子:
• I’d love to pick your brain about the new project. Do you have time for coffee? 我想向你請教這個新專案的相關想法。有空一起喝咖啡嗎?
• Before making a final decision, let’s pick the expert’s brain to get their input. 在做最終決定之前,我們先徵求專家的意見吧。
3. Rack your brain
要描述很努力想出一件事情,可以用”rack your brain”。它很有畫面感,彷彿可以看見腦袋「拼命運轉」的樣子。例子:
• I’ve been racking my brain all night, but I still can’t figure out this problem. 我一整晚都在絞盡腦汁,還是無法解決這個問題。
• She racked her brain trying to remember where she saw him before. 她絞盡腦汁想著之前在哪裡見過他。
4. Brainchild
這個詞結合了 "brain"(大腦)和 "child"(孩子),大腦生出的孩子,即「智慧的結晶」。例子:
• The company’s new AI tool is the brainchild of its innovative tech team. 公司的新人工智慧工具是創新技術團隊的智慧結晶。
• This charity project is her brainchild; she’s been working on it for years. 這個慈善專案是她的創意,她已經為此努力多年。
5. Have something on the brain
• I’ve had that song on the brain all day—it’s so catchy! 那首歌一整天都在我腦海裡揮之不去,真是洗腦!
• Ever since the promotion was announced, he’s had it on the brain. 自從升遷消息公佈後,他一直想著這件事。
6. Brain freeze
• I drank the iced tea too fast and got a brain freeze. 我喝冰茶太快,腦袋突然刺痛了!
• I had a brain freeze during the presentation and forgot my lines. 我在演講時腦袋短路,忘了我的台詞。