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2025/02/28 第762期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 Democracy in the Modern World 現代世界的民主
【本月發燒書】 10堂美容美體英文養成課(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
【好康情報局】 ★2025 寂天開學暨線上國際書展★

【口語會話 Follow me 】

Get Home Safe 安全返家

Sue: Hi, Mom! Can I go to Julie's house after school? She got a new hamster and I want to see it.
Mom: Not today, my dear. I don't want you walking home in the dark.
Sue: Don't be so old school, Mom. I can walk home in the dark.
Mom: Not a chance!
Sue: But Mindy's parents let her stay out until 9 p.m.
Mom: Then move in with Mindy's parents. I'm sure they won't mind.

蘇:嗨,老媽! 我放學後可以去茱莉家嗎?她剛養了一隻小倉鼠,我想去瞧瞧。

────── 選自《In Focus 英語閱讀 3:活用五大關鍵技巧 (16K彩圖+寂天雲隨身聽APP)》

Democracy in the Modern World 現代世界的民主

Do you know what "democracy" is about? A democracy has leaders who are elected by the people in a particular area through voting. The government belongs to all the people, not to any king, dictator, or small group. Democracy is based on the idea that citizens have the power and responsibility to select new leaders if the old leaders are not doing a good job. If there is freedom of speech and freedom of the press in a democratic country, each citizen can be informed about the potential leaders and can vote wisely.

Taiwan is a democracy. So are the United States, the United Kingdom, and many other countries in the world. Currently, there are about 123 countries that say they have democratically elected leaders. Unfortunately, some countries that claim to be democratic are not in fact democracies.

Having a democracy does not guarantee that the leaders of the government will do good things. During the years leaders are in power, they may decide to do bad things and the citizens may have a limited ability to stop them. The courts, legislature, or free press can often limit the damage being done by a bad leader. A democracy needs many honest and wise leaders as well as an educated and thoughtful people. A democracy also needs to grow and change in order to improve itself. Examples of mature and strong democracies can be found in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

An open and honest democracy is what most of the people in the world desire. Despite lies that may be told by bad leaders, people all over the world will continue to struggle for the healthy democracies that they deserve.

你知道「民主」是什麼嗎?民主政體的領導人是經由人民透過投票所選出。政府是屬於所有 人民,而非國王、獨裁者或任何小型集團。民主的概念是建立在,如果舊領導人沒辦法把事情做好,那麼人民就有權力和責任選出新的領導者。如果一個民主國家裡有言論與新聞自由,每個人民就可以充分了解每位候選領導人,並且明智地投票。



一個開放誠信的民主國家是全球大多數人的渴望。儘管一些不好的領導人可能編織謊言來欺 騙人民,但全世界的人們仍會繼續為他們應得的健全民主國家而奮戰不懈。



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