2024年6月23日 星期日

Please advise不是在徵詢意見。破解商用英文「客套話」

爸媽的育兒神器、育兒神隊友【育兒生活Mombaby Lifestyle】,讓爸媽輕鬆自在,寶寶開心成長。 【倡議+ 電子報】傳遞人物故事,鎖定泛教育、社企…等領域,透過他們為社會付出故事,期待引起更多共鳴。
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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/06/21 第583期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
 2024-06-14 VOL:932
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這句英文怎麼說 ?



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Please advise不是在徵詢意見


回國後寫了一封email想踏出合作的第一步,結果對方回了一封信說"I will see what I can do."


原來"I will see what I can do."是老外拒絕他人的一種委婉說法。

如果你想和老外約見面,他說"Maybe I try to fit it in my schedule."(我再看看怎麼調整行程),多半


Please advise中文到底是甚麼意思?

Advise的意思為「建議」,用法為Advise + to原V,例如:I strongly advised him to lose weight.

(我強力建議他減肥)。然而Please advise又是全然不同的意思,多數人以為是請多指教,但實際上為

「不需指教,直接幫我吧」(No really. Help me now! ),所以千萬別真的跟他客氣,他其實很需要你






1. Just wanted to follow up:

(你以為)只是想知道後續。 (其實是)是已讀不回嗎?(Why have you not responded to my last


2. Let’s circle back on this:

(你以為)我們等一下再來談這個。 (其實是)我沒空和你說。(I can’t deal with you right now.)

3. I know you’re busy:

(你以為)我知道你很忙。 (其實是)你都不回,其實你也沒有那麼重要好嗎?(You never respond to

me and you’re not that important.)

4. I’m wondering if I could pick your brain about something:

(你以為)我想聽你的想法。 (其實是)救救我吧,我快不行了!(Help me please. I am dying.)


熟到老外都覺得你英文好,加入量身訂做的1on1 program



1. A: Do you like the new computer? 你喜歡新電腦嗎?

    B: Yes, I like. 喜歡。

2. I subscribed his YouTube channel. 我訂閱了他的YouTube頻道。

3. I often listen podcasts on Spotify. 我經常聽 Spotify上面的 podcast節目。

4. Has she responded your email? 她有沒有回過你的郵件?

5. I will contact with him by telephone. 我將打電話和他聯繫。

非學員請先訂閱世界公民 WEEKLY,才能看得到答案 看答案

找不出bug?難怪常常說錯的英文,考慮加入1on1 program
不讓自己過時最好的方法是,就是加入世界公民 WEEKLY讀書日!

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Enjoy a Light Tour at Pier-2 Art Center

【寂天英語學習充電報】提供英語會話及實用句型,讓你脫口說出流利英語,不再「看的懂」卻「說不出口」! 健康飲食、肥胖、醫學新知…各種你想知道的醫學健康資訊、名醫提供的保健錦囊,都在【健康e世界】。
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新聞  健康  udn部落格  
2024/06/24 第392期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Enjoy a Light Tour at Pier-2 Art Center
活動快遞 高雄海味北飄2024台北國際食品展 北高主廚聯手推出 舌尖上的海鮮饗宴-餐酒館風味主廚餐桌料理

Enjoy a Light Tour at Pier-2 Art Center
◎Written by Li Siao-ping
◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao
◎Photos by Cindy Lee
◎Photos courtesy of Pier-2 Art Center, A Bit Humans Market

When you are stuck what to do on a free day, heading to the Pier-2 Art Center(駁二藝術特區)is usually a good idea. It is always a fun adventure with lots of intriguing places to discover. Located in the Dayi Warehouse Cluster(大義倉庫), moonmist atelier(泊•月白moonmist)is a distinctive venue that provides exhibitions of vintage items, lifestyle art, and tea ceremony experiences.

Photo courtesy of A Bit Humans Market

The term "Yue Bai"(月白)describes the grayish-white color of the sky before the moon rises, while "Bo"(泊)represents a brief stay. Reflecting the store's name, the space features moon white, grayscale, and blue tones as its main themes. It offers a frameless platform with themed exhibitions changing each month. Artisans from Taiwan and overseas are invited to showcase unique handmade items, demonstrating the aesthetics of traditional crafts in modern life.

Photo courtesy of Pier-2 Art Center

The second floor is designed as a Japanese-style tatami tea room. In the afternoon, you can book a tea ceremony experience and savor professionally whisked matcha prepared by a tea master. The semi-transparent mineral dishes used to serve wagashi (a traditional Japanese confection) are part of the current exhibition by Japanese glass artist Yukie Satoh(佐藤幸惠). Store manager Sih-jin(思瑾)says, "We hope to bring life and art closer together through the tea ceremony."

Photo by Cindy Lee

After enjoying tea, there are intriguing and entertaining bazaars to explore at the Pier-2 Art Center. Organized by Little Guy Marketing Studio(小人物行銷工作室), summer art parties with the themes of "Cool," "Art," and "Time" will be held on the fourth and final weekends of June at the Penglai Area's(蓬萊區)outdoor plaza and Dayi redbrick promenade in the Pier-2 Art Center.

Photo by Cindy Lee

Visitors bustle around, and the variety of stalls selling handmade items dazzles the eyes. If you stop and examine these charming products, you can listen to artisans share their creative ideas, or participate in DIY activities and make your own unique souvenirs. As dusk approaches, aromas from the food stalls waft over, inviting sightseers to have dinner. As strings of lights cast little yellow dots of illumination, the sea breezes feel refreshing, and street performers' songs fill the air. But there is no rush to leave, as this lively midsummer's night festival is just about to begin!

Read more Love Kaohsiung articles
高雄海味北飄2024台北國際食品展 北高主廚聯手推出 舌尖上的海鮮饗宴-餐酒館風味主廚餐桌料理


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