2019年7月29日 星期一


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2019/07/29 第285期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
主  題 Linyuan
活動快遞 洲仔濕地有喜訊 水雉寶寶來報到 每週二至週日開放參觀 歡迎市民預約


◎Written by Chen Ting-fang ◎English translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Zeng Sin-yao

※Former Dinglinzihbian Police Station 

 Linyuan District has numerous historical sites. Located on Fusing Street, Former Dinglinzihbian Police Station became a historical building in 2007. Situated on 4620 square meters of land, visitors can travel back to Japanese imperial times. Visitors can tour their offices, wooden dormitories, coral stone bomb shelters, ancient wells, water towers, trees, and gardens. Visitors can get a feeling for what life used to be like during those times.


Add: No.97, Fusing St., Linyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Tel: 07-6428600

Open: 10:00~17:00 on weekdays, 09:00~18:00 on holidays, closed on Mondays

TI: Take the Kaohsiung MRT Red Line to Siaogang Station (R3). Take Bus Red 3B to Linyuan District Office, and walk for around 11 min.

※Linyuan Anle Restaurant

 Linyuan Anle Restaurant is a historical building that no longer maintains its former splendor and elegance. The two-story Baroque stone building has a long, narrow patio that wraps around it. It has a spacious ballroom, where guests would enjoy luxurious parties. Today, it seems to be a shell of its former beauty.


Add: No. 91, Linyuan N. Rd., Linyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

TI: Take the Kaohsiung MRT Red Line to Siaogang Station (R3), and then take Bus Red 3B.

※Duck Rice Dish

 When in Linyuan, it is recommended to stop at a traditional market and enjoy local delicacies such as Zhen Ji Duck Rice. Although the popular dish is called duck rice, there is actually no duck meat in the dish. Regular customers love the fragrant duck rice that contains duck oil, dried garlic and ginger sauce.


Add: No.189, Wunhua St., Linyuan Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

Tel: 0953-888-436, 0931-912-203, 07-6467526

TI: Take the Kaohsiung MRT Orange Line to Dadong Train Station (O13). Take Kaohsiung Bus to Linyuan District Office, and then walk for around six min.


洲仔濕地有喜訊 水雉寶寶來報到 每週二至週日開放參觀 歡迎市民預約


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